Food Art @ Fine-Dine Restaurant, BTS

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Terasa melekat lagi kat lelangit ni Brownies with fresh strawberry and blueberry.. Nyum!! Me and friends having enjoyment moment eating marvelous food at BTS. The food prepared by the students from BERJAYA University College of Hospitality. We can see from the transparent kitchen how the food prepared and served in minutes course by course. Start with a slice of bread while waiting for the appetiser. Then, we ate Seafood Crepe with button mushroom. I can taste the fresh prawn, crab and salmon fish inside the crepe. Actually, sayang nak makan sebab cantik sgt dia susun. Art in food!

We continue enjoyed the food with Beef Steak and Angel Hair Pasta. I choose Beef Steak as I love beef much.
This is Angel Hair Pasta.

We ended our meal with Brownies with vanilla ice crean and berries..
Tp sayang..sket je ice cream dier.. Nak request lain, malu..Tu la..Orang kata :
~Malu Lapaq~

Tapi, tak der la lapaq pun..dah telan macam2 dah..hehe.. Tengok lah muka-muka kegembiraan ni :

Best!! Anyone want to sponsor us again?